Unveil SEO mastery with a price tag even Sherlock Holmes couldn't deduce.
Let's boost your visibility together!

Fascinated by our cost-effective rates? Thanks to AI-powered SEO, we deliver top-notch service without straining your budget, and we handle everything, so you don’t have to. Let’s enroll in our pricing for SEO services.  

I Want To Grow



I Mean Business

Best Selling

Spicy Strategy


Save $300 /mo

Normally $1300/mo

I Will Dominate

Hot Shot


Save $650 /mo

Normally $2650/mo

How Better Ranker Team works

At BetterRanker, we are a team of experienced and dedicated professionals committed to excellence, innovation client satisfaction, and attractive pricing for SEO services.


Research and analysis

In the initial research phase, our team assesses your existing website and analyzes the SEO traffic of your competitors. This allows us to identify the keywords your website is currently ranking for and evaluate the design and structure of your web pages. Our goal is to pinpoint opportunities for on-page optimizations that can significantly enhance your search engine rankings.



After conducting a thorough audit of your website and competitor sites, we can strategically select keywords to enhance search engine traffic. Resource allocation will be assessed to determine whether additional content creation is necessary or if optimization of existing content can be implemented. Additionally, we will develop a plan for on-page optimizations aimed at enhancing page speed and user experience, addressing core web vitals and resolving search engine console errors.



After finalizing the plan and strategy, the execution starts, initiating the implementation of the plan. At this stage, our SEO experts carry out essential content and website updates in alignment with the strategic plan, utilizing insights gathered during the research phase.



After implementing the changes, it is essential to consistently manage the campaign to assess whether the modifications have a positive impact on the ranking of the targeted keywords and phrases. Utilizing feedback from the campaign, we can take an informed decision for subsequent actions and optimizations.


Cant find your answer here? Get in touch →

Investing in professional SEO services, particularly those harnessing AI technology like Affordable SEO, is a strategic choice. Our cutting-edge AI and machine learning capabilities drive exceptional results while maintaining cost-efficiency, translating to significant savings for you.

Our seasoned SEO team wields a robust arsenal of tools and resources to streamline website optimization. With years of experience, we’ve served diverse clients and continuously adapted to evolving search engine algorithms. We stay informed about industry trends and adhere to the latest best practices, avoiding risky black-hat tactics to ensure a sustainable online presence for your business.

What’s more, entrusting your SEO needs to a professional team such as Affordable SEO allows you to focus on managing your business while we work our magic. Rest assured, you won’t regret the decision to let us handle your SEO requirements!

Absolutely, we don’t just leave your campaign to the algorithms; there’s a real live human championing its success! Think of us as the ‘Batman and Robin’ of your marketing world – AI and a vigilant human sidekick, ensuring your campaign soars like a superhero!

Choosing an SEO agency that harnesses AI technology can yield a plethora of advantages. To begin, AI-powered SEO tools excel in data analysis, offering refined keyword suggestions that factor in search volume, competition, and user intent. This translates to more focused, data-backed keyword strategies, elevating your website’s search engine rankings and online visibility.

Furthermore, AI can enhance your website content by pinpointing relevant keywords and phrases, enhancing its SEO optimization and readability.

In addition to this, AI-driven writing tools prove invaluable for generating a diverse range of content types, including ad copy and social media posts, pivotal components of a thriving SEO strategy.

At Affordable SEO, we’re seasoned in leveraging AI to streamline specific tasks, conserving your valuable time and allowing your team to prioritize other critical business endeavors. This leads to the expectation of swifter, more precise outcomes and an overall more efficient SEO process.

When it comes to comparing SEO and Google Ads, each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Google Ads can yield swift results as you’re essentially paying for top ranking for your selected keywords. But remember, each click comes with a price, and this can quickly add up, especially for competitive terms.

Alternatively, SEO is often viewed as a more cost-effective option over time. While it might take longer to see results, once your website begins ranking organically, you won’t have to pay per visitor from search engines. 

Moreover, the benefits of a high-quality SEO strategy tend to endure, providing you with more value for your dollar. And did we mention? Pairing SEO with AI can bring about even more savings!

So if you’re planning for the long term, investing in a solid SEO strategy could be your passport to sustained success. And with Affordable SEO’s AI-driven approach, we’re here to ensure you get maximum return on your investment!

At Affordable SEO, we recognize that every business has distinct needs and preferences. That’s why our pricing plans are designed to accommodate a range of support needs.


You will get email support as well as  phone call support if there is an emergency.

Yes, there are substantial differences among our Affordable SEO plans, each tailored to accommodate a range of business needs and budgets. As you graduate to higher-tier plans, you’ll unlock additional benefits that can supercharge your website’s SEO.

Premium plans provide broader support, as previously highlighted. However, there’s an added bonus – expanded keyword targeting and more iterations of your website content, delivering a refined, tailored result.

Regardless of the Affordable SEO plan you choose, rest assured that we’ll be using cutting-edge AI technology to maximize your chances of success.

Obviously. we offer our clients custom SEO services and also pricing. If someone needs the only technical part or  On-page part or any core part of SEO services, we can build a master plan according to the clients’ requirements and also the pricing. So, just contact us without any hesitation.

pricing for seo services

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